Agricultural research priorities

IRESA organized a national workshop in Gammarth on November 27, 2017, which was dedicated to presenting the challenges of the Ministry of Agriculture, Hydraulic Resources and Fisheries and defining research directions. All stakeholders (policymakers, research, development, extension, and the profession) and representatives of some international organizations took part in this event (195 participants).

The IRESA system is based on the evidence that agricultural research is accountable to its stakeholders, in particular the farmer/fisherman and the Ministry of Agriculture, Hydraulic Resources and Fisheries. Each of these two parties expresses its expectations of agricultural research. The participatory approach adopted, involving all the players concerned (Profession, development, research, extension, and political decision-makers) and associating the stakeholders concerned (Farmers, fishermen, and political decision-makers), has made it possible to build a research impact pathway that should respond to the agricultural sector and better position research in the agricultural development agenda to 2030.

Représentation schématique de la voie d’impact de la recherche
Représentation schématique de la voie d’impact de la recherche

The research impact pathway has been drawn up, faithfully reflecting the constraints and research needs expressed by the profession, farmers and fishermen, as well as the major challenges facing the supervisory ministry. The success of this test depended on the changes that research results and technologies would be able to bring about in the agricultural sector (outcomes). Thus, the link between a research orientation and a development challenge is to be concretized by tangible development impact indicators that the research should target.

Priority programs and themes for agricultural research

Program 1. Sustainable production systems in a context marked by the degradation of natural resources and climate change: this is broken down into six research themes:   

Theme 1. Adaptation of agricultural production systems to climate change 

Theme 2. Sustainable integrated management of livestock production and animal health

Theme 3. Integrated management of production systems 

Theme 4.Development and valorization of local genetic resources and technical packages by agro-ecological zone 

Theme 5. Integrated management of emerging diseases and pests 

Theme 6. Mechanization adapted to small-scale farming

Program 2. Operation and sustainable management of aquaculture production systems and fisheries resources: this is broken down into five research themes:

Theme 1. Development and optimization of aquatic production systems 

Theme 2. Interaction of production systems with the aquatic environment 

Theme 3. Development of bio-socio-economic models 

Theme 4. Biotechnological valorization of aquatic products

Theme 5. Sanitary and nutritional quality of aquaculture products

Program 3. Exploitation and development of natural resources in a context of climate change (water, soil, biodiversity): this is broken down into three themes: 

Theme 1. Conserving and combating the degradation of natural resources (water, soil, plant cover) and desertification. 

Theme 2. Governance of natural resources 

Theme 3. Valorization of non-conventional waters (brackish water,treated wastewater).

Program 4. Sustainable management of pastoral and forestry resources: this is broken down into 4 themes:

Theme 1. Adaptation of forest and pastoral ecosystems to climate change

Theme 2. Choice and selection of silvo-pastoral species adapted to different bioclimates

Theme 3. Rehabilitation of degraded environments through the introduction of adapted native species

Theme 4. Adding value to non-timber forest products and environmental services

Program 5. Agricultural policy and inclusive promotion of the rural world: this is broken down into three themes:

Theme 1. Forward-looking production and risk management 

Theme 2. Analysis of agricultural policies and development of prospective scenarios

Theme 3. Inclusive rural and agricultural development

Program 6. Agri-food value chain and social innovations: this is broken down into five themes:

 Theme 1. Social innovation and stakeholder organization 

 Theme 2. Adding value to local products 

 Theme 3. Improving the quality of agri-food products and adding value to co-products. 

 Theme 4. Technological innovation in post-production systems. 

 Theme 5. Marketing and market access