Agricultural research indicators

Comparaison du H-index et de la production scientifique des pays d’Afrique durant la période 1996-2021 Subject Area : Agricultural and Biological Sciences

Tunisia is ranked 5 th in Africa in terms of Scientific Production

Production scientifique

(Source Scimago)


(Source Scimago)

Scientific Production according to Newspapers International

(Source Scimago)

Classification of Scientific Production by Field Around the world, in Africa, in Arab countries and in Tunisia

(Source Scimago)

(Source Scimago)

Positioning of agricultural research in terms of scientific productions

The IRESA through its agricultural research and higher education institutions registered outstanding performance at the scientific level. This is highlighted by the Institution’s good scientific positioning. According to the results of the scimago 2023 ranking of the research centers of North Africa and the Middle East, IRESA system is rank 1 st nationally and 8 th Arab of the total of 378 Arab research institutions.

The IRESA System is ranked 6th nationally in terms of scientific production in the agricultural field

Tunisian Institutions - Overall rank – All sectors (Government-Universities-Health)

(Source Scimago)

Tunisian Institutions - Overall rank – Government sectors

(Source Scimago)